Web marketing tips that are based on the neuroscience (science of our brain) are the subject of this article.Researching the brain reveals certain tendencies, as we think, and in this article, I’d like to introduce you to some of the insights we can get for website marketing tips. In fact, certain parts of our brain are in a relationship with certain marketing methods.
The frontal lobes – responsible for planning, logic, motivation
The frontal lobe is associated with “executive functions” such as motivation, planning, attention, and short-term memory. Many scientists believe that it is responsible for evaluating options and the consequences of actions.
List Sorting and Serial Position Effect
For example, if you compile your navigation or any other lists, you should assign the important things to the beginning and end. The attention and the memory of the readers are lowest in the middle. When website visitors scan your website, it’s best to remember the first and last items because they’re memorable. With the digital marketing services packages, the deals come perfect.
Do not use too many items because short-term memory can only “remember” about seven items. If your navigation consists of more than seven points, break them up into smaller groups.
Marketing and “loss aversion”
Man is not an efficient cost-benefit calculator. We tend to overestimate losses and underestimate profits. In other words: – Losses are more painful as gains are pleasurable.
This dislike of loss can be used by savvy web marketingers and copywriters to help them convert more for their customers. Here are some web marketing tips on how to write better lyrics with loss aversions.
The web marketing tips:
Emphasize the cost if the products or services are not used.
Sum up costs, but list advantages in detail.
Emphasize profits immediately.
Create a limited time offer. If the product is in short supply then say so. Shortage leads to faster sales. (Many manufacturers, such as Apple, are taking advantage of this by intentionally placing too few units on the market when it launches new devices, resulting in extended delivery times, resulting in more pre-orders and, ultimately, more sales.)
Social proof and supporting content = Herd behavior
People tend to do what other people do. Therefore, give your customers proof that other customers have already bought from you and that your company is making a good decision. The goal is that any decision that is not in favor of your company will be out of the norm. It must feel like it is imperative that you can only buy from you.