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Tag: email

Email Marketing

2021 Sees The Growth Of Email Marketing In International Market: Here’s The Reasons

Email marketing is a critical lever to activate, and to accomplish this aim, you must design successful campaigns. Numerous tools are available, but a thorough understanding of the challenges and procedures is critical. Email marketing is a powerful tool at the company’s disposal.

The Term’s Definition

Email marketing is described as the process of creating and distributing emails as a direct marketing medium. It is a form of mass communication whose purpose is to educate your contacts about a brand, a product, or a service. These contacts might be prospects, consumers, partners, or even advocates for your brand. E-mailing is a colloquial term that refers to a variety of different forms of electronic mail.

Email Marketing’s Aims

Email plays a critical role in all phases of client relationship management: prospecting, conversion, and loyalty. It is the most commonly utilized marketing media because to its ease of use, even for those that are inexperienced with the Internet. 90% of Internet users examine their primary address at least once a day, according to an Email Marketing Attitude BtoC research. 45% of them handle their purchases from this location. If you do not have an email marketing plan in place, you are missing out on sales possibilities.

Email marketing is an efficient method of communicating with a variety of different targets, prospects, and other Internet users who have been recruited from address lists. Direct sales are the initial aim. Commercial e-mailings then include all pertinent information about the items. You may improve your communications by including promotional discounts or by creating emergency buying circumstances that will deplete your inventory in a matter of hours.


Another goal is to grow and deepen the client connection. It’s a matter of giving fascinating information and exciting clients who see the company’s name and picture pass before their eyes on a frequent basis. It then incorporates it into its references and is able to contact the business. It is a form of loyalty that enhances a customer’s reputation and attachment. To accomplish this goal, email campaigns must be precisely timed to avoid seeming invasive or being flagged as spam.

Email Marketing

The 4 Biggest Benefits Of Email Marketing

In the world of digital marketing, there are countless strategies you can use to market your business. Popular strategies today include SEO, paid search, social media marketing, and others but many marketers ignore one of the most important and effective digital marketing channels: mail. Here are the 4 biggest benefits of Email Marketing.

  1. Ultra-Targeted

Unlike other advertising methods, such as billboards or radio ads, email marketing only reaches customers who already know you. Segmentation is another targeting feature that takes your strategy to another level. This refers to the practice of breaking down your subscriber list into individual segments, and sending emails that are more relevant to everyone’s members.

  • Cost Effectiveness

Another point that makes email marketing particularly beneficial is the cost. Email marketing is one of the most affordable and reliable ways to sell your business’s products and services online.

  • Traceable

Sometimes it can be difficult to see exactly how users are interacting with other marketing strategies. For example, there is no way to know how many people see the billboard you posted on the side of the road except your increase in sales. But even then, you can’t be sure that those sales have something to do with your billboard, or if it’s just a coincidence.

  • The Highest King

Perhaps the best benefit of email marketing is its incredible ROI. Due to its low cost of use, it’s easy to get a much higher ROI with email than any other channel. In fact, email marketing campaigns generate an average ROI of 3800%, allowing your business to generate $ 38 for every dollar you spend. The four benefits of email marketing that we’ve listed above are just a few of the many that you can experience with email marketing, but just to touch on the rest, let’s take a look at some of the top stats.

Email Marketing

The Next Steps For Email Marketing Now

The use of email marketing has spread hand in hand with that of the internet and is still growing. Today, despite social networks and new customer engagement techniques, e-mail marketing remains a fundamental means: it reaches 1.9 billion people online out of the total 2 billion.

To talk about e-mail marketing, however, it is necessary to make a first distinction between DEM (direct email marketing) and newsletter.

DEM means a single communication to e-mail addresses that have not given their direct consent to the company, they are usually lists purchased from third parties, in this case you “shoot in the pile” trying to collect new interested parties, but risking to end up in the filters antispam.

The newsletter, on the other hand, is based on information and communications sent to those who have given consent and voluntarily decided to subscribe, it is a strategic tool that, if used well, bears fruit.

The newsletter as a loyalty tool

The creation of a newsletter is taken into consideration by most of the companies that decide to invest in loyalty, information and the achievement of new users thanks to sharing actions.

It is used as a promotional tool, it is therefore essential for sites and e-commerce to be able to obtain permission to get in touch with the user in order to build a database on which to work.

There are numerous advantages for those who adopt a well-made newsletter:

  • keeps high attention on promotions, news in the company and news related to the environment in which it operates
  • tells the reality of the company and the store, making it more human in the eyes of customers
  • brings traffic to the site and sales to online retail
  • it has high conversion rates that can be easily tracked

How does the newsletter have to be to make an effective email marketing campaign?

Less is more : it must be useful, empathetic, discursive and fun and it must reflect the brand identity of the company. So use an informal tone, a human language, avoiding too specific terms and letting yourself go to a little humor.

The contents are important, as it is important to understand what really interests the member and what we can “give him” in exchange for his attention and word of mouth.