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Tag: branding

Logo Design & Development

How Logo Designing Can Change Your Idea Of Promotions

The notoriety of a company is often proportional to the success of its logo. This is why the creation of a logo is a delicate and very important operation when starting a professional activity. It may happen that a distinctive feature is also needed for non-commercial realities but which we want to be distinguished by well-defined characteristics.

A logo conveys one or more messages and contains the soul of what it represents. Many times we meet clients and professionals who underestimate the importance of having an effective and functional logo, perhaps because they fail to recognize that it is much more than a simple symbol or a small design for its own sake.

The emotion of a Logo

If we think of the big brands, much of their luck lies in the logo that has now become an icon recognizable in its strength and immediacy.

Coca Cola still sports the first logo that dates back to its creation in the late nineteenth century, when it seems that an accountant used a set of characters that were very popular and widespread at the time to give personality and recognition to the mysterious drink, which does not need much explanation. .

Other large companies have rightly preferred to represent their growth and evolution, in conjunction with cultural and social change, with a clear or more sketchy transformation of their logo. Suffice it to recall the striking case of our Fiat which has changed a dozen of them since 1899, the year of its birth, until today. For Logo Deigning this is important.

Create an effective Logo for your company

Human beings are primarily moved by emotions that push action, while rationality plays its role in a later step, when it is time to draw conclusions.

Most of the time, before looking at something in detail, we get an idea of ​​what it is. Before we understand, let’s hear.

Whether our business is large or small, its logo must be able to convey positive values ​​and feelings to whom we turn to if we want people not to look elsewhere and choose nothing else.

This is how the importance of the logo comes into play, which with its immediacy must reveal the identity card of the company, and its history.

The simplicity of the logo

Some logos are real small illustrations and can be admired in every detail.

In reality, simplicity and the essential feature can still become an imprint, that is, constitute uniqueness and remain impressed: an example could be the Amazon logo .

Some interpret it as a pleased smile under the name, others as an arrow that indicates completeness from A to Z. Whatever way you look at it, it is an easily recognizable symbol and full of meanings even in the colors used.

In some cases, simplicity is an achievement and a test of growth and development

The transformation of the instagram logo initially raised a lot of perplexity, when from the nice symbol with the old colored camera we moved on to a more essential and monochromatic icon depending on the use. Now that symbol arouses greater seriousness and innovation and is aimed at a more heterogeneous audience.

The writer is a professional writer interested about SEO services. His writings encompass the matters about SEO services and more.

Logo Design & Development

What Is Logo Deigning And Why Is It Important

The Logo Deigning, which is the brand’s definition of a company, is a complicated process that involves a series of detailed investigations to ensure you have the greatest possible impact on the potential audience. If this delicate operation is properly structured, the culmination will be a powerful brand, whose image is distinctly perceived among all the others. Where branding includes a series of logistical and variable-term planning choices, an aspect not to be underestimated is the so-called  brand identity , that is all those visual aspects that characterize part of the brand as a whole; among these visual aspects, the logo is certainly the most important – together with the coordinated image .

Coordinated image: what it is and how it is structured

The concept of coordinated image is closely linked to symbolism, to the semantic juxtaposition that naturally occurs at first glance with the logo: the company expresses itself by condensing itself into a symbol and synthesizing values ​​and objectives within it.

Last Words

The choices that revolve around the construction of a good coordinated image are the subject of long studies on elements such as color, perception, style and coherence. Just the consistency, in this case, is the key element that guarantees a sense of compactness and uniformity between the purely visual aspects of the brand and those more ethical or inherent to the field of the company’s operations. The process of creating the coordinated image develops from an initial analysis and collection of information – in which tastes, preferences, trends and reference audiences are detected and continues for the creative phase, dedicated to the conception and graphics design; to conclude, a projection is made, or a sort of forecast of the audience’s response, until the final publication is reached.