Everywhere the subject is marketing, the term CRM is cited as one of the secrets of efficient management. But after all, what is CRM?
It is an acronym in English for Customer Relationship Management, in the free translation it means something like customer relationship management. Is it clearer what CRM is?
It is quite what the name suggests. Using a CRM system, it is possible to have much more control over the entire internal process of the company and all the moments in which interactions with customers happen, thus generating reports that will make it possible to correct possible problems and even predict behaviors and discover needs. For CRM Development this is important.
CRM system? What is that?
With the use of CRM, the entire service sales or delivery process must be carried out within the tool, from the moment it is just a contact until delivery. And there are many CRM options on the market in three different categories: operational, collaborative and analytical. The best for your business should be chosen according to the nature of the company, maturity and type of business practiced.
There are also different tools that guarantee full integration with ERP and with newsletters triggering systems, for example, streamlining the entire digital strategy, or those that work independently and only manage the salesperson-customer interaction.
Why is CRM important to my company?
All marketing actions, including digital marketing, are born from understanding the needs and desires of customers. The CRM will facilitate this understanding, saving all possible information on the buying process and streamlining the analysis through reports. This will make the actions, in addition to being more efficient, be able to be carried out much faster, guaranteeing better results.
A CRM makes it possible to check common behaviors, discover trends and act much more quickly in different situations.