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Logo Design & Development

2021 Logo Ideas That Takes The Business Into The New Height

To create a perfect logo, it must be evocative, memorable and timeless. Indeed, your logo represents your DNA; it is the first step to create a brand and the cornerstone of your visual identity. How does this translate in practice? What fundamental rules must be observed and which mistakes to avoid?

Be Inspired By the Codes of Your Industry (Without Copying.)

Each sector of activity has codes and this observation also applies to logos. Colors, shapes, and typography are often similar in luxury goods, for example, where brands favor a sober typography, the color black and minimalist Logo Designing, which are not the case for logos in the health sector, which are more symbolic. Other implicit rules apply in the field of insurance or banks: blue, the color of trust par excellence, is preferred by almost all brands.

Choose Your Colors Carefully

The choice of colors for a logo is extremely strategic. Indeed each color has a meaning; a gray logo for example will more easily evoke sobriety and elegance than a bright orange logo. We have also summarized the meanings of colors in computer graphics, so that you have all the cards in hand when defining the chromatic range of your logo. You can bet on a united logo, which has the merit of being more easily identifiable and of not confusing the messages, this is also the choice of 59% of the logos created between 2018 and 2019 according to our study carried out by marketing professionals. The duotone is also very popular. In general, it is best to use no more than 3 colors as this may sound fancy. The gradient trend, that is to say color gradients is a great way to mix several colors while avoiding the rainbow effect.

Make the Right Choice of Typography to Create a Logo The font of your logo is not a trivial choice; it also contributes to your brand image. Sans-serif, serif or handwritten typography, each one evokes different values; it’s up to you to choose the one that best suits your brand. Current typography trends can also provide you with a case for one or the other. Finally, do not mix more than 2 typographies for clarity. 

Logo Design & Development

What Really Means By The Process Of Logo Design

You and your team elaborate the mission, define the company’s values ​​and vision. From there, a sequence of processes and activities is created that must be followed by everyone who is part of the organization.

How to convey to consumers what your company really is and represents?

There are several ways and reasons for this to be done. One of them is that it is necessary to advertise your company to the market in which it operates, thus making it easily identified, visually speaking, gain notoriety and bring you the results you want with your target audience and other stakeholders. Choosing the best choices for Logo Deigning comes perfect.

In this sense, it is necessary to invest in the creation of your company’s visual identity. In addition, factors such as the one mentioned above show the need for your organization to have a logo designed by professionals in the field, since the main intention is to make it stand out and be remembered as a reference when the consumer needs to purchase the product. products or services you offer.

Find out in this blog, more about these technical terms, such as logo, logo, visual identity, among others, that your company needs to have, so that it has even more notoriety in the market in which it operates.

What is visual identity?

When we talk about visual identity, we are referring to a set of elements, which serve to represent, in a visual and systematic way, some name, concept, product, service and even a company.

The visual identity created for a company, for example, serves to make it unique in the midst of competition and to be easily identified when consumers, partners, suppliers and employees have contact with the brand created.

Within the process of creating a visual identity, it is necessary to invest time in the elaboration of the visual identity manual, a document that serves to guide and direct the correct way in which the brand should be used, thus preventing mistakes from occurring at the moment. in which it is reproduced.

Email Marketing

2021 Sees The Growth Of Email Marketing In International Market: Here’s The Reasons

Email marketing is a critical lever to activate, and to accomplish this aim, you must design successful campaigns. Numerous tools are available, but a thorough understanding of the challenges and procedures is critical. Email marketing is a powerful tool at the company’s disposal.

The Term’s Definition

Email marketing is described as the process of creating and distributing emails as a direct marketing medium. It is a form of mass communication whose purpose is to educate your contacts about a brand, a product, or a service. These contacts might be prospects, consumers, partners, or even advocates for your brand. E-mailing is a colloquial term that refers to a variety of different forms of electronic mail.

Email Marketing’s Aims

Email plays a critical role in all phases of client relationship management: prospecting, conversion, and loyalty. It is the most commonly utilized marketing media because to its ease of use, even for those that are inexperienced with the Internet. 90% of Internet users examine their primary address at least once a day, according to an Email Marketing Attitude BtoC research. 45% of them handle their purchases from this location. If you do not have an email marketing plan in place, you are missing out on sales possibilities.

Email marketing is an efficient method of communicating with a variety of different targets, prospects, and other Internet users who have been recruited from address lists. Direct sales are the initial aim. Commercial e-mailings then include all pertinent information about the items. You may improve your communications by including promotional discounts or by creating emergency buying circumstances that will deplete your inventory in a matter of hours.


Another goal is to grow and deepen the client connection. It’s a matter of giving fascinating information and exciting clients who see the company’s name and picture pass before their eyes on a frequent basis. It then incorporates it into its references and is able to contact the business. It is a form of loyalty that enhances a customer’s reputation and attachment. To accomplish this goal, email campaigns must be precisely timed to avoid seeming invasive or being flagged as spam.

Website DesignWebsite Development

Most Effective Website Design & Development Services

In addition to the common understanding that human beings are social – since the time of the caves, there were relationships in groups – we know that we are strongly impacted by aesthetic issues. Within this context, it can be said that it is essential to make for interfaces (whether digital or physical) projects that are well solved visually.

But that is still not enough, since digital projects and even more e-commerce projects – are full of details that can make a total difference in sales results. Choosing the Website Design & Development service has to be done careful.

It was from this point of view that the idea of ​​integrated thinking of design emerged as a strategy and not only as an embellishment; the design present in the conceptualization, planning and choice of technologies. The design based on the strategy manages to be more assertive and objective, as it focuses on users, which is the most important part of the project.


Initially, there are three basic points that we can observe to create good experiences:

  • The mechanics are simple: to reach the public, you need to create good interfaces; in order to create good interfaces, it is necessary to obtain research on the public and how it relates to the interface. This is the entry point for thinking about more tangible strategies within the project’s objective.
  • In a Consumer Reports survey, we can see the importance of good design, as 48.1% of consumers evaluate the credibility of a website by visual design and 28.5% use the structure of design and organization of information to also assess credibility.


A site with good usability is a site that is more likely to be successful, as it makes the user experience (ux) memorable and intuitive. If we evaluate the components of usability (learning, efficiency, remembering, mistakes, satisfaction), we realize that the user is always the center of attention.

Assessing the context of use, the intentions of users, their desires and expectations is the best way to offer better solutions.

Website Development

The ABCD Of The 2021 Website Development

If you’ve ever looked for a service provider to create your website or e-commerce, you’ve probably got lost in the twists and turns of Google results. How to choose among all these agencies whose services can be fundamentally different? Here are our 4 tips based on our working methods to help you choose your provider, wherever you are.

Look At the Agency’s Experience

An agency that has experience will be able to advise you better. She will be able to adapt to your project without selling you solutions that you do not need. At IRCF, our 16 years of experience allow us to offer you services tailored to your needs, whether for a showcase site, an e-commerce or a tailor-made site.

Is The Team Multidisciplinary?

The interest of a multidisciplinary team lies in the richness of the proposals and the adaptability to your needs. The team is made up of a graphic designer, 2 web development engineers, a developer, an integrator, a digital marketing and social media manager, two sales representatives and two technicians in installation and now networks, computer parks and servers. Make use of the Website Development Services for the best results here.

Is There A Follow-Up Of The Project?

Project monitoring is usually done by one person. So you have a single interlocutor knowing all the ins and outs of a web project (web design, development, communication and marketing). This allows a more strategic vision of your project so that your objectives (sales, visibility, etc.) are quickly achieved. Thanks to project monitoring, you are therefore regularly informed of the progress of your project (complex or not).

The Price

When an agency talks to you about the budget, you have to think about several points: the complexity of your project, the number of people involved in your project, your technical and communication and marketing needs, etc. A low price is not necessarily a guarantee of quality, whether in technical terms or in project monitoring. Finding out about market prices will allow you to know if the quotes offered to you are really adequate for your needs.

Choosing your provider can quickly become an ordeal among all the offers available on the market. The most important thing is that you have to understand what you are buying. The proposal must be clear. So you will find what you need.


CRM Development Solutions: What You Need

Everywhere the subject is marketing, the term CRM is cited as one of the secrets of efficient management. But after all, what is CRM?

It is an acronym in English for Customer Relationship Management, in the free translation it means something like customer relationship management. Is it clearer what CRM is?

It is quite what the name suggests. Using a CRM system, it is possible to have much more control over the entire internal process of the company and all the moments in which interactions with customers happen, thus generating reports that will make it possible to correct possible problems and even predict behaviors and discover needs. For CRM Development this is important.

CRM system? What is that?

With the use of CRM, the entire service sales or delivery process must be carried out within the tool, from the moment it is just a contact until delivery. And there are many CRM options on the market in three different categories: operational, collaborative and analytical. The best for your business should be chosen according to the nature of the company, maturity and type of business practiced.

There are also different tools that guarantee full integration with ERP and with newsletters triggering systems, for example, streamlining the entire digital strategy, or those that work independently and only manage the salesperson-customer interaction.

Why is CRM important to my company?

All marketing actions, including digital marketing, are born from understanding the needs and desires of customers. The CRM will facilitate this understanding, saving all possible information on the buying process and streamlining the analysis through reports. This will make the actions, in addition to being more efficient, be able to be carried out much faster, guaranteeing better results.

A CRM makes it possible to check common behaviors, discover trends and act much more quickly in different situations.


PPC Creating Wonders In Internet Marketing: Take Some Chunks

Pay-per-click, or PPC, is an Internet marketing technique in which advertisers pay a charge when one of their downloaded advertisements is clicked. It is essentially a method of purchasing visitors to your website rather than attempting to get them naturally. Numerous digital marketing firms provide PPC management as a service.

Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising is one of the most widely used kinds of research advertising. Advertisers can use it to bid on and display advertisements in sponsored links on a search engine when a user searches for a term related to their business offering.

Creating a good PPC ad campaign is not simple, but with the appropriate keywords and a grasp of how it works, the process becomes less onerous. On the other hand, search engines reward marketers that can build relevant pay-per-click ads. If you can build ads and landing pages that are both useful and satisfying to users, Google’s costs will be reduced, which will result in an increase in your results. Therefore, if you want to begin utilizing PPC, it is critical to learn how to do it properly.

What Is Click-Through Advertising And How Does It Work?

PPC or pay-per-click, advertising is a type of digital advertising in which the advertiser pays a set or auction-based fee each time a user clicks on one of their adverts and visits their website. The primary goal of a pay per click campaign is to assist in the purchase of visitors to a certain website. Typically, the objective is to elicit some kind of user action, such as B. registering or purchasing a product.

Conclusion As an advertiser, you bid on pay-per-click keywords linked to your website in order to generate focused traffic. If your website offers auto insurance, for example, bid on “auto insurance, auto insurance, etc.” until you discover as many phrases as possible that are relevant to your website. Depending on your competition, certain keywords and phrases are more expensive than others. After a few days of running your ad, you’ll know which term is most effective in attracting people to your website. You can generate quality traffic from targeted keywords with the help of the proper PPC management solution.

Website Development

Best Options For The Website Development Services

The creation of a website is not a simple process, it is important that the website is functional, but also that it is aligned with the message that the website should convey and visually pleasing to the target audience, be it a website, app, blog, etc.

One of those responsible for making the site meet these requirements, making a bridge between people and computers, is the webdesigner. It is this professional who makes the website template for a good user experience (UX). The use of the Website Development Services is important there.

  • It is through web design that the first interaction with the user is made. It is the visual part of website development, which presents the brand positioning: branding.
  • This professional is qualified and uses resources from design projects to develop the entire layout of the site, however, he needs to have notions of programming, so as not to create something that later cannot be implemented by the programming team.
  • Today, people’s interaction happens much more online and, therefore, this professional is so important. A site that does not have the details and functionality well thought out, does not reach enough accesses to be qualified and causes the user to lose credibility on that site.

The webdesigner, in addition to learning about programs, color psychology, programming, this professional also has to be an attentive person to the transformations that occur on the web. This is because, the internet lives in constant and fast change and when the professional does not follow these changes, he gets lost and does not guarantee that his clients’ site is a promising site.

User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI)

User Experience is related to all the sensations that the user will have to the browser through your website. The more like real life, the more satisfied the user leaves your site. This helps your user stay longer on your site, bringing more direct returns.

The User Interface is basically related to the ease that your user or customer has to move your website. The simpler to find what he is looking for, the better he is, therefore, married to a good User Experience (UX), the more that customer will promote his website.

App Development

The Sophistication For The Mobile Apps

Mobile applications are already part of the reality of the business world, following the irreversible trend of massive presence of technology in people’s lives. That is why it is not an exaggeration to say that a company that does not enter this mobile dynamic, in which services are offered on mobile devices, processes are carried out there and communication between all the actors involved in the business, is bound not to keep pace with the digital age.

Uses this type of resource

To give you an idea, the Brazilian has already joined smartphones to perform daily tasks. Far beyond social networks, today cell phones and tablets are used to pay bills, make purchases, book movie tickets, check in with airlines, maintain personal and professional relationships. For Mobile App Development this is important.

  • And as a company is made up of people, it is necessary to adapt the corporate environment so that it adheres to the social context produced by the group of individuals that compose it and by others who are outside – as a customer, supplier, competitor or partner.
  • Given this scenario, this post addresses the importance of mobile applications for companies. Those who believe that this is the way to innovate business models and those who are still not convinced of that too! – are invited to this reading!

The importance of worrying about mobile apps these days

To convince a manager that something needs to be done, it is best to present him with statistics. And the numbers on cellphone growth and the mobile app market show that the market is moving in one direction: business growth is within reach, at the touch of a screen on a mobile device.

When the spotlight is directed at young people of the so-called millennial generation, the average rises to four hours connected to a mobile device. In addition, the brand of use of about eight apps a week, with an increasing volume of downloads of mobile programs, shows the power that the mobile application development market is becoming.

Website DesignWebsite Development

What Makes E-Commerce Website Design & Development Perfect

Understanding the importance of revamping your website design also understands one of the sociological aspects. That branch of science that is responsible for understanding why social phenomena occur and understanding certain aspects that will help you in the evolution of your website. It may seem that something goes hand in hand, but they are much more closely related than it may seem a priori.

The Changes and More For You

Throughout history, tastes change, we can find examples in fashion, for example. In addition, it occurs widely. This is what makes fashion designers, store decorators and large restaurant chains, etc., constantly update and modify their designs and decorations. Likewise, the sites are not exempt. What used to be pleasant, ends up being out of date. This general way of understanding what is attractive now is precisely what must be valued, in order to continue preserving that web design that adapts to today’s tastes. There are several reasons for changing the design of your website. We will look at the most important points to consider why it is important to do this. Choosing the E-commerce Website Design & Development services has to be perfect.

The importance of renewing web design to evolve

This is one of the main reasons that should motivate anyone to change the design of your website. Over the years, technology has advanced and, with it, the way users interact. Internet use in the past was widespread on computers and almost all content was filtered by them. Currently, this is no longer the case, and other devices, such as tablets and smartphones, are gaining prominence.


Change your web design or adapt it to different devices, this will make it more visible to a larger number of users. This type of design is known as “Responsive Design”, and it is this web design that adapts to the device from which the user is visiting a page. In addition, what is an added value to improve your positioning in search engines. Google rewards sites with responsive designs. On the other hand, since there are no problems loading content, you will improve the user experience.